Marketing Syariah what may for Foreign Brands

Observing the word about the power of the product in the country that are not inferior to products that have to come from abroad, remind us of how great and this country great … ..tentu not with blind love should all domestic products , but the products and Brand the country had to be in so golden boy in our own country . Why this is so because in my opinion , by simple logic if a local brand so the main commodity of this nation , halfway to generate the local economy will be successful , as often discussed by economists.

But whether foreign products we do not need at all . Of course not we are still in need of the products from the outside , especially that we can not in domestic production or indeed we do not have the capacity in it . But should Brands in the country that is more dominating than the foreign -brands , and services should be able to at Get driving by local brands of the products and foreign brand . What happens now is irony trade arrangements in the country .

Continue ongoing questions may we become marketers for foreign products, the answer is of course permissible Perhaps because this case ,. Why open it only for the marketing of sharia Islamic products alone … he5X question is not wrong, because that’s a phenomenon that occurs in the community regarding the Marketing Syariah. As if marketing Sharia only berurursan with nature Spiritual Marketing, honest, trustworthy, etc. sermons. Marketing Konvensionalpun Sebenarnaya if it can, because if Marketing Conventional dishonest and tidaka mandate if they want its customers to buy. So guys do not be so narrow that ….

So sya Marketing Syariah already mentioned in beberpa aretikel in this blog I said, if the strategy increasingly make People Obedience to the CREATOR that Shari’a Marketing. And Marketing Sharia does not care what religion the owners of capital and what the product origin process is completely ascertained and proved Halal was okay. Not prohibited.

Syari’e So one should not be part of the marketing of foreign products . Persoalnya because his life is not in marketing strategy whether it is better to use Marketing Sharia or not . but persoalanya exist at the level of government policies that directly provide opportunities for the absence of economic justice in society .

Allaah knows bis – shawaab